I AM A TREEI am a tree, my leaves are turning a rainbow of colors it is fall. The sun is shining on me, the shy is blue. The wind is blowing my leaves all over the country side. The little stream that flows behind me, is over flowing with the rains from summer, that fell not to long ago. Soon my leaves will be all gone from my branches, some will travel for miles, some will fall to my roots. They will all turn brown losing their beautiful colors. Winter soon will come, the air is getting colder, the smell of snow is in the air. The wild flowers have all died back. Soon my branches will darken and I will sleep until spring. It will be a long sleep, a good sleep. You know when my branches sway in the cold wet wind of winter, I get a chill, my bark may protect me but I feel the wetness and the coldness that comes with winter. When my leaves fall from me, it is like the child I saw leave his mother on the first day of school. the mother had a hard time letting go and I know how she feels, my leaves are my children and I never want to let them go. When my branches are empty I feel alone, they were just a part of me and now they are gone. Where have they gone? To the earth, to the streams, some will travel far, and some will lay at my roots, there they help to keep me warm, and to in rich the the dirt at my feet. Some day I will fall a sleep forever, you know even the oldest oak must die. For now I dream of the flowers and sunny warm days when I will awake and know I have yet another summer to live and be happy that I did wake from my long winters nap. HomeNext |