The Homeless
Did you have supper tonight?
Do you have a warm bed to
Sleep in tonight? Where are
you tonight?
As I look around the streets at night I see the
sad faces of small children and their parents.
There are no smiles for the shelter was full and
they must sleep in the streets tonight. What
kind of a country are we that we do not care
for all it's people. How did she let it get this
far? This is the country of the free and the
brave, yet her people are poor, hungry and
without shelter, and you find her people going
from place to place. Looking for jobs that don't
exist. You have those in power who say how
ugly it is to see people living out of cardboard
boxes, what are they too do. We do not see
those in power putting their hands in their
pockets and offering some of what they have
to someone who doesn't. The ones too hurt
most are the children, listen you will hear them
cry, you will see their tears. If there is nothing
now, what will there be when they are grown.
It is time for the people to take back their
country, let her know that she can not help
others until she helps her own. She needs to
make her people proud again.
Hello, are you warm tonight, do you have a roof
over your head, did you eat tonight? Hello,
where are you tonight?
I wish I may, I wish I might find you tonight in a
home of your own, all warm and sleepy form a
good meal. Smiling and happy because you
made it to where you are tonight, HOME.